
Chat With The Stars!

Nows your time to chat with the 運命でおきしす team. On AOL® Instant Messenger (SM) click Setup. Then click add new buddy. Enter JirachiRobbLOG. This is the screen name for the other blog our team works on but we'll be there too. You can chat with us about Pokémon on the weekend from 8 to 9 USA eastern coast time. If we are not there e-mail us at JirachiRobbLOG@aim.com. If alot of people IM us we will go in the chat room named: JirachiRob. Chat with you later! The JRBtEAM and the DDeoxysTeam. Download AIM here: AIM.com.
Be part of the JRBtEAM or the DDeoxysTeam; comment on this post and leave your e-mail address and we will get back to you.


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