
New コロコロ Scans

This weeks CoroCoro Magazine from Japan has included more new info and images from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl as well as scans from the upcoming Movie 9 Manga series. (Click on the image below for full sized images) Find the Manga scans on http://pocketmonsters.net/node/3353

CoroCoro Scan CoroCoro Scan
CoroCoro Scan CoroCoro Scan
CoroCoro Scan

New information we've learned from these pages include:
  • Day/Night Returns: Enhanced from Gold/Silver to have multiple times of day. 深夜(Nighttime), 夜(Night), 夕方 (Evening), 昼(Noon), 朝(Morning)
  • The new region for Pearl/Diamond シンオウ (Shinou) is based on the Japanese island, 北海道 (Hokkaido)
  • A new Pokemon Professor will be in the game. His name is: ナナカマド (Nanakamado)
  • Manaphy can learn the new move, ハートスワップ Heart Swap, This attack swaps status effects between all Pokémon on the field.
  • Abilities for these Pokémon are also noted:
    • Buizeru knows Agility
    • Lucario knows Metal Claw
    • Buizeru's Ability is Swift Swim
    • Lucario's Ability is Inner Focus
    • Manafi has a new ability called Moist Body. This ability cures any status effect when it's Raining.
  • A new watch gadget called a ポケッチ (Pokétchi), not only tells the time, but has other features as well.
  • ブイゼル (Buoysel, Buizeru) is #056 in the Shinou Pokédex!
  • The Pokémon Sprites vary between Male & Female Pokémon. Different patterns are on the different genders as well as bigger or smaller features or even missing features.
  • The new Shinou region Pokedex has 2 screens similar to the Nintendo DS.
  • The Pokédex now features a weight comparison feature.


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