
The New Pikachu Balloon will be Displayed in Thanksgiving Day's Parade!

No surprise here, the Pikachu balloon will be back in action for this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This will be the sixth year that the Pikachu balloon will be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In fact, a new Pikachu balloon will debut this year. The new balloon shows Pikachu chasing after a Poke Ball and Pikachu's cheeks will also light up. The new Pikachu balloon stats: 53.5 feet high, 36.9 feet wide, 40.8 feet long, and filled with 15,000 cubic feet of helium.

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will be live in New York City, or on NBC from 9AM to noon (Eastern Time), on November 23rd, 2006.

Old Pikachu Balloon Displayed at Party of the Decade

The old Pikachu balloon was displayed at the Party of the Decade event back in August. Pokemon Elite 2000 was there to cover the event, you can see a full recap of the event and pictures of the old balloon here: Party of the Decade

Related Links

Official Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Website: http://www1.macys.com/campaign/parade/parade.jsp


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